Thursday, December 30, 2010

Holiday Season Blues

The holidays have made it very difficult for me to establish some sort of routine. I haven't been to work for the past week and a half so it is unrealistic to start a routine that will be interrupted as soon as I go back to work. This is why I am waiting until the new year to do this. It is a fresh start without interruption.

I have been eating anything and everything under the sun, have gotten virtually no exercise since there was a snow storm that has kept me trapped at home, I have been going to sleep late and waking up later than I am accustomed to, and I have been drinking excessive amounts of alcohol on a daily basis. None of these are conducive to a healthy lifestyle and I am very aware of it. I guess I am getting all of these things out of my system because once it is 2011, I know that everything will change. What is different about this time is that I am so excited to make these changes, like I am looking forward to it. This is how I know that I am ready for this....I am looking forward to it.

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