Saturday, January 8, 2011

Food Prep Goals

So my official start date will be January 10th, 2011. I had a setback because I have been working over 12 hrs daily and have had no time to set a sleeping schedule or prep my meals for the next day. Matter of fact, I haven't even had much time to eat, much less eat healthy. My "week of hell" at work is coming to a close so I have a few things to do this weekend to get myself ready.

I find that a very important factor in weight loss is preparation and organization. If you have healthy snacks readily available, you will not just grab the first quick thing in sight (which is usually something unhealthy). So here are a few simple plans to keep myself organized so I can minimize failure:

Go to the grocery store weekly
I want to keep my fridge/pantry stocked with fruits and veggies and healthy alternatives so I am not tempted to go to the corner 7-11 and get a corn dog.

Prep fruits and veggies ahead of time
I find that if I buy fruits and veggies and cut them up and store them ahead of time, I tend to eat them more often. I buy pineapple, melon, strawberries, etc and wash and cut them and then store them in ziploc bags or containers. Ziploc has small snack size bags that are perfect for portion control. You can also pre-package snacks like almonds, dried fruit, cheerios, etc. Then if I am on the go, I just grab a bag and head out. Of course you can buy these things already pre-cut but they cost a lot more money that way.

Set up a healthy menu weekly
If I pre-plan what I am going to eat, the chances that I stray are less. If I set up my menu for the week, I can go grocery shopping for the week and buy the ingredients I need and I can prep them. The last thing I want to do after a long day at work is spend 2 hrs prepping dinner. If I have everything pre-cut and pre-seasoned, all I have to do is cook it.

Allow one planned indulgence/splurge per week
If I am craving something, the more I prevent myself from having it, the more I want it. If I tell myself that I have ONE splurge per week, then I know that I have to limit myself to it. This helps curbs cravings while also keeping myself in control and on track.

Always keep water handy
To be honest, I HATE water. My drink of choice is juice, but as we all know, juice is packed with sugars and high fructose corn syrup and soda....well, its just not good for you. If I always have a bottle of water around, then that is what I am going to drink because when you are dying of thirst, you drink what is readily available. Also, adding Crystal Light to a water bottle does make it more bearable.

Next up, stats and pics!

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