Thursday, December 30, 2010

Holiday Season Blues

The holidays have made it very difficult for me to establish some sort of routine. I haven't been to work for the past week and a half so it is unrealistic to start a routine that will be interrupted as soon as I go back to work. This is why I am waiting until the new year to do this. It is a fresh start without interruption.

I have been eating anything and everything under the sun, have gotten virtually no exercise since there was a snow storm that has kept me trapped at home, I have been going to sleep late and waking up later than I am accustomed to, and I have been drinking excessive amounts of alcohol on a daily basis. None of these are conducive to a healthy lifestyle and I am very aware of it. I guess I am getting all of these things out of my system because once it is 2011, I know that everything will change. What is different about this time is that I am so excited to make these changes, like I am looking forward to it. This is how I know that I am ready for this....I am looking forward to it.

Friday, December 24, 2010

How to Begin

Since I am embarking on a complete lifestyle transformation, this is going to take a lot of work. I am a big believer in making lists so I made a list of the changes I want to make so that I could know where to start. These are the things I will be working on:

1. Incorporate more fresh food (fruits and veggies) and less processed foods
2. Limit carb intake (one per day)
3. Replace white with brown (mayo, bread, rice, potatoes, cheese, pasta etc to brown rice, wheat bread, sweet potatoes, wheat pasta,etc)
4. More healthy snacks (almonds, fruit, yogurt, veggies, grains, protein shakes)
5. Limit sugar intake (substitute with honey)
6. Sleep 7 to 8 hours
7. Exercise at least 2-3 times a week
8. Water, water, water!
9. Portion control
10. Start taking vitamins

Overall, I am not looking to accomplish unrealistic goals. I know that I will not always eat just fruits and veggies. I am looking for a way to even out all food groups. I will allow myself chocolate and carbs, but in small moderation. They say everything in moderation is the key to a successful lifestyle change and that will be my motto.


I decided to start a blog to track my journey into transforming myself physically, mentally and emotionally. My main focus will be my physical lifestyle transformation and I am hoping that the mental and emotional fall into place after.

To put it simply, I am looking to lose weight.

I have always been thin up until 4 years ago and I am unhappy with the way I look. It is more than me being vain, I don't feel comfortable in my own body and I feel like my weight is holding me back from doing the things I want. Everyday that passes I get older and I lose the opportunity to enjoy my youth. I use my weight as a crutch to prevent myself from doing things that I am not comfortable with and I am done with that. I want to feel comfortable, I want to take risks, I want to be confident, I want to be healthy, I want to look back on my life and think that I made the most of it. The time to do this is now because if not now, then when?

This blog will be where I track my progress and setbacks, if any. I will post weekly with things I learned about myself, tips, advice, things that work and things that don't, ideas, recipes, pictures of myself, etc. Basically everything that has to do with my weight loss/lifestyle change journey.